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Champagne Glasses

Champagne Glasses that are designed to impress. Our Champagne Glasses are ideal for cocktail bars, restaurants, weddings and parties.


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What are the types of Champagne Glasses?

There are several types of Champagne Glasses, each designed to enhance the drinking experience and showcase the unique qualities of different types of sparkling wines. Here are some common types:

  1. Flute:
    • The most popular and widely recognised Champagne Glass.
    • Tall and narrow, with a long stem.
    • The shape helps preserve the carbonation and concentrates the aromas toward the nose.
  2. Tulip:
    • Similar to a flute but with a slightly wider bowl that tapers toward the top.
    • The design enhances the wine's aromas and provides a larger surface area for the wine to interact with the air.
  3. Coupe:
    • A shallow, wide-bowled glass with a short stem.
    • Historically popular but has fallen out of favour for serving sparkling wines because it allows carbonation to dissipate quickly.
    • Now more commonly used for certain cocktails.
  4. White Wine Glass:
    • Some people choose to serve Champagne in a standard white wine glass.
    • The wider bowl allows for more surface area and better aeration, which can enhance the flavours and aromas.
  5. Tasting or Sampling Glass:
    • Smaller than traditional Champagne Glasses.
    • Often used in tastings to allow for smaller pours and sampling without consuming a full glass.
  6. Saucer or Sherbet Glass:
    • A wide, shallow glass with a short stem.
    • Historically used for Champagne but not ideal for preserving carbonation.

When selecting a Champagne Glass, it's essential to consider the type of sparkling wine being served and personal preferences. While Champagne Flutes and Tulip Glasses are more commonly associated with sparkling wines, experimentation with different Glassware can be a fun way to explore how the shape of the glass affects the taste and aroma of the wine.